Kelly Sports T2

On Tuesday, Room 11 had an opportunity to play Rugby League with Kelly Sports. Our focus was on Tackling and Playing the ball. The Kelly Sport Coaches Dion and Trey were kind enough to help us students prepare for our Rugby League Tournament. It was really fun because we got into 2 teams. We just had to make sure the teams were even. Trey would call out a random number and you would have to run around the cone and pick the ball up to get to the end of the line for a try. For me Rugby League is my favorite sport but knowing that I need to work harder. Next we played bullrush (Tackle Version) . I was very proud of Joshua knowing that he barely plays rugby. He was the hardest runner. It was like he was a Tongan Player no one could get him down ! I was very proud because I did a good tackle on my own friend Spencer !

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