Tag: Math

Maths Plan a Holiday

Today Team Tui was learning about Plan A Holiday meaning that we have to multiply the travel cost, food cost, activity cost and the total cost. Me and my buddies decided to go Brisbane and vist Suncorp Stadium for the RLWC and represent Tonga. We are still looking for places to stay and places to eat because so far we have spen $7000.00

Maths Week 7

Today Room 11 was focusing on using the strategy Algorithim. Because some of us students need to learn how to use Algorithim, This image here shows Stage 8 Algorithim but luckily I am a good problem solver. My fellow pairs and I helped eachother to get through Multiplication by using Algorithim. Room 11 is just doing a slight revise so we can use Algorithim confedently

Probability Games

Today Team Tui was focusing on Probability Games. This image shows me and my friends playing Greedy Pig, basically you roll the dice and you have to keep adding all the numbers you roll. But if you rool a 1 you have to restart all your numbers. 3 of us succeded but 1 failed because he kept rolling 1’s you just have to add up until you get past 50. It is a very fun maths game for kids to learn their addition.

L4 Statics – Jaydon

This week 4D was learning about Graph/Chart. It was on subjects or classes the most popular class was Food Technology and the unpopular class was German class. Next we had to create a graph on the students vote to show who’s class got most and who’s class got less. Lastly we had to anwser some quetions about this Chart.

Measurement of a Shape

For maths TeamTui worked on Measuring random shapes. Our shape is represented by 3 lines. We used a ruler to measure all sides so we can work out the perimeter of our shape. Our share measured at 9.5 cm (Centimetres) My partners Lolo and Elijah just thought of a random flat shape that looks exactly like a dorito chip. As you can see Lolo and Elijah is holding the materials we used to make our shape.

Using A Compass To Create Circles

Today me and my buddy Vake used a compass to create different sized of circles. We found out that circles are made out of infinate dots that are connected together. We also found out that there are 4 main parts of the circle and 4 other parts. These parts are: The Circumference, Diameter, Radius and Sector. The other 4 parts are: Chord, Tangent, Arc and Segment. I look forward to the create part where we have the opportunity to experiment using a compass to create unique patterns.