Month: August 2023

Measurement of a Shape

For maths TeamTui worked on Measuring random shapes. Our shape is represented by 3 lines. We used a ruler to measure all sides so we can work out the perimeter of our shape. Our share measured at 9.5 cm (Centimetres) My partners Lolo and Elijah just thought of a random flat shape that looks exactly like a dorito chip. As you can see Lolo and Elijah is holding the materials we used to make our shape.

Basketball T3

Yesterday Glen Taylor went to Paulman arena in Takanini to have a baskeball tournament. This is my team and we were undefeated, beating Tamamki Primary , Glen Brae and Syilvia park was very challenging. Im just proud that being a Student Leader at school and looking around I was seeing a lot of our values and visions getting shared around with others

Using A Compass To Create Circles

Today me and my buddy Vake used a compass to create different sized of circles. We found out that circles are made out of infinate dots that are connected together. We also found out that there are 4 main parts of the circle and 4 other parts. These parts are: The Circumference, Diameter, Radius and Sector. The other 4 parts are: Chord, Tangent, Arc and Segment. I look forward to the create part where we have the opportunity to experiment using a compass to create unique patterns.

Cyber Smart week 3

Names Partner 1: Partner 2


  1. Tic Tac Toe

  • Decide who will start first (switch for the next game)
  • Take turns by writing an ‘x’ or an ‘o’. 
  • You will need to click out of the table to allow the next person to have a turn.
  • The winner can highlight their win with green
  • If a draw, then leave white
  • At the end comment “Good game”


x x x o x o x o o o x
o x x o o o x x o x x o x
o x o x x x x o o


  1. Story Time

  • Decide who will start first
  • Take turn writing one word each of a story
  • For example the first person might write “Once” then the next person would write “upon” etc taking turns all the way to the end of the story.
  • Be mindful of your cursor and make sure you don’t write out of order
  • Comment which is your favourite part of the story.


One Day there was  a Small monkey that was climbing the trees. It looked like a Horse and was running like a Cheetah. It Eats very expired bananas.